
Matteo Brancaleoni iBranca FREE Mobile App Released!

Recording artist Matteo Brancaleoni launches an innovative iPhone Application which gives his fans an opportunity to communicate to one another, share their experiences following Matteo and get exclusive content submitting to the Matteo’s Mailing List. The app will be available for free and can be used with Apple’s iPhone,  iPod Touch and Android devices.

Other features of the Matteo Brancaleoni’s iBranca Mobile App include:

• Place yourself in a photo next to Matteo. Post and share with friends

• Interactive promotions & contests offer App users opportunities to win Matteo music, video and even Front Row Tickets in several cities

• Blog: stay in touch with everything that is going on through Matteo’s social media channels – Facebook and Twitter

• Branca’s Radio: streaming audio features Brancaleoni favourites

• Matteo Brancaleoni TV: access to official video clips

• Photo Gallery: an array of Matteo Brancaleoni images

• Instant website access

• A biography

“I think it’ll be a great way for us to stick together and I think it’ll be a fun way for the fans to win prizes,” says Brancaleoni of the new app. “I’m looking forward to playing at home and seeing everyone out on the tour.”

Matteo Brancaleoni Mobile App! Download Now!

Finalmente potete seguire Matteo direttamente dal vostro smartphone. Scaricate la nuova applicazione di Matteo Brancaleoni “iBranca”. L’applicazione è gratuita e iniziate ad ascoltare musica, a vedere foto o video, seguite il blog e ottenete prima degli altri informazioni esclusive e notifiche direttamente sul vostro cellulare. L’applicazione è disponibile per dispositivi Android (clicca qui) ed Apple (clicca qui). Cercate nel vostro Store Applicazioni “Matteo Brancaleoni” e scaricate subito iBranca. Cosa state aspettando?



Finally you can follow Matteo directly on your smartphone! Check out the new Mobile App “iBranca” by Matteo Brancaleoni. This free Mobile App lets you listen to music, check photos and videos, read blog posts and get exclusive push notifications straight to your mobile device. Type “Matteo Brancaleoni” in your App Store, and download the iBranca now! What are you waiting for? For Android devices click here, for Apple devices click here.




Benvenuti! Welcome!

Benvenuti nel nuovo sito ufficiale di Matteo Brancaleoni. Qui potrete trovare tutto su Matteo e sulla sua musica: date dei concerti, discografia, foto nuove, video, link ed info varie. Incominciate la vostra navigazione. Il sito è interattivo quindi vi consente non soltanto di pubblicare vostri commenti, ma anche di condividere le notizie che più vi interessano su Facebook, Twitter e sui principali Social Network. It’s a whole New Life!!!


Welcome to the new Matteo Brancaleoni Official web site. Here you can find everything about Matteo and his music: gigs, discography, new pics, videos, links and general infos. You can also post your comments, and share stuff into your Facebook page or Twitter account. It’s a whole new life! Stay Tuned!
